Kodachi Kuno

Kodachi's Dossier Pic

Vital Statistics

Name: Kodachi Kuno (or Kunou)
Age: 16
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Black
First Appearance (Anime): Ranma 1/2 TV series, Vol. 5
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 2
Love Interest: Ranma (in boy-form)
Rivals/Opponents: Akane, Ranma (in girl-form), Shampoo, Ukyo

Profile: Kodachi Kuno is the little sister of Tatewaki Kuno, and calls herself the "Black Rose" of Martial Arts Rhythmic Gymnastics. In some ways, she is very similar to her brother, and in some ways she is not. However, one thing is for sure: she is prepared to do anything to win, even dirty tricks..

Before, Kodachi usually ambushed her opponents before her matches, and wins by default most of the time. Unfortunately, when she was to face Akane Tendo she was unable to effectively disable her beforehand. It was during one of these attempts that she met Ranma Saotome and became enamored with him.

Kodachi then found out that Akane was Ranma's fiance, and redoubled her efforts to try to disable her and win Ranma. In the end though, Akane injured herself, and the girl to take her place was, ironically enough, Ranma (in girl form)!

Kodachi was defeated by the substitute Onna-Ranma, and like her brother, does not know that Onna-Ranma (girl) and Otoko-Ranma (boy) are the same person. Kodachi thinks that the "pig-tailed girl" she fought is also in love with Ranma, and believes Akane and the pig-tailed girl to be obstacles to her true love, Ranma. It is her hope to somehow eliminate both of them so she can have her "Ranma-sama" all to herself.

Personality: Kodachi is very much like her brother, Tatewaki Kuno, but without the sense of honor or aloofness that he has. Kodachi has no scruples about using, paralysis gas, poison, nails, or any type of means possible to get what she wants. Kodachi is very determined about winning her darling Ranma away from Akane. It has been said her actions border on insanity, but "eccentric" seems to be a better adjective to describe her. A truly evil and backstabbing character, though in the comedic sense.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez